Saturday, 3 January 2009

Victoria Beckham: I lie in bed thinking about what to wear

Victoria Beckham turns into a boy
Former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has her own fashion line called dVb

Posh creates the look in her mind

Victoria Beckham admits she chooses her outfits a day in advance - when she's tucked up in bed.

‘I was talking to Gordon Ramsay and David about this the other day and they're the same,’ she says.

Gordon visualises a meal, then figures out how to prepare it. David visualises the goal.

'I'll lie in bed and think, what kind of look do I want to go for tomorrow? Then I find the pieces in my mind to create it.’

Victoria, 34, says she was destined to become a fashionista.

‘I was never that good a singer but I think I am good at fashion,’ she tells The Times.

‘Even when I was at school, where I was bullied - sometimes physically, sometimes verbally - I was always customising my uniform.

‘But being in the Spice Girls, fashion-wise probably didn't open any doors. If anything it shut doors and I've had to bang them down.’