Friday 16 May 2008

Posh: The truth about my life in LA

What's the truth behind rumours that Victoria Beckham is expecting her fourth child and is about to star in a Hollywood movie? Newsbeat caught up with the LA-based Spice Girl to find out.
So first of all, what's it like to be back?
"It's great to be back in England. I've seen lots of friends, seen my family. It's always lovely to visit."
There's a lot of interest in your life in Los Angeles. What are people like Tom (Cruise) and Katie (Holmes) like in real life?
"I think it's probably not interesting to write that Tom Cruise and Katie are nice normal people, but they are. And all the kids hang out together."

What about the rumours that you're thinking about an acting career and that Tom Cruise might have offered you a role. Is that really true?
"Oh god no. I think I'm the only person in Hollywood that does not want to act. And actually I can't act! I love fashion and apart from my family, that takes up all my time."

Is there any truth in the story that an LA boutique stopped stocking your jeans because you weren't going in to promote them enough?
"With that particular store there probably was some truth in it. I'd been on tour with the Spice Girls and at the end of the day you can't do everything. I work bloody hard is what I do, you know I really do. And I'm bringing up three children."

How are the children adjusting to life in public?
"They fitted in really, really well in America. But sometimes the extent that these paparazzi will go to to get photographs - and it can be really, really dangerous - the way they drive, the way they push you around and sometimes it scares the children. I mean it scares me - hence why I always have that rather startled look on my face!"
Having sat and talked to you this morning, you're very smiley!
"When people meet me though they always say 'You're so much nicer'. So I suppose that's the good thing. They always think I'm going to be a right cow - which I'm actually not."

Are you pregnant?
"No I'm not pregnant! I'm not. You know, three kids is a lot, they really, really are. And I want to enjoy the kids that I've got. My family are all that matter to me, they really are."